Who is Midnight Shift?
Kyle Milner
I’m Kyle Milner, a freelance writer and critic covering movies, television, games, books and more. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Massey University in 2020, majoring in Media Studies.
My work has been published at established sites like Brutal Gamer and Moviehole, the latter of which I’m currently a staff writer for. As a film industry writer, I’ve been privileged to have had the opportunity to interview the likes of Jason Blum (Blumhouse Productions), Sabrina Sutherland (Twin Peaks), Scott Ian (Anthrax), Don Mancini (creator of the Chucky franchise) and more. Midnight Shift was created as a platform for my work that doesn’t quite fit the mould of my usual publications.
Scott McCrae
I’m Scott McCrae. I’m a Scottish freelance writer and critic mainly covering games and film. I have been a contributor to Midnight Shift since September 2020. I am currently a Film & Media student at Queen Margaret University and aiming to graduate in 2023.
Before joining Midnight Shift I wrote articles and produced video content on a personal blog focusing on fighting games.